Section: File Formats (5)
Updated: 1 January 1991
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The Machine Independent File Format is described in this section.

A MIFF image file consist of two sections. The first section is composed of keywords describing the image in text form. The next section is the binary image data. The two sections are separated by a : character immediately followed by a newline. Generally, the first section has a form-feed and newline proceeding the : character. You can then list the image keywords with more, without printing the binary image that follows the : separator.

Each keyword must be separated by at least one space but can be separated with control characters such a form-feed or newline.

A list of valid keywords follows:

class=DirectClass | PseudoClass
identifies the type of binary image stored within the file.

This keyword is optional. If it is not specified, a DirectClass image format is assumed. An explanation of DirectClass and PseudoClass image data follows this list.

specifies the number of colors in the image, and for pseudo-color images the size of the colormap.

This keyword is optional. However, if a colormap size is not specified, a linear colormap is assumed for pseudo-color images.

is a required keyword and specifies the number of columns, or width in pixels, of the image.
compression=QEncoded | RunlengthEncoded
identifies how the image stored within the file is compressed.

This keyword is optional. If it is not specified, the image is assumed to be uncompressed. A detailed explanation of runlength-encoded and Q-coder image compression follows this list.

is a required keyword and identifies this file as a MIFF image.
specifies the number of compressed color packets in the image data section.

This keyword is optional, but recommended, for runlength-encoded image compression. It is required for Q-encoded image compression. A detailed explanation of image compression follows this list.

is a required keyword and specifies the number of rows, or height in pixels, of the image.
is an optional keyword and is a reference number for sequencing of images.

This keyword is typically useful for animating a sequence of images.

Comments can be included in the keyword section. Comments must begin with a { character and end with a } character.

An example keyword section follows:

      Rendered via Dore by Sandy Hause.
    class=PseudoClass  colors=256
    compression=RunlengthEncoded  packets=27601
    columns=1280  rows=1024

The binary image data that follows the keyword text is stored in one of two binary classes as specified by the class keyword: DirectClass or PseudoClass.

Use the DirectClass class to store continuous-tone images. DirectClass requires that the image pixels immediately follow the keyword text and be stored as binary red, green, and blue intensity values. The total number of pixels expected is equal to the number of pixel columns times the number of pixel rows as specified by the columns and rows keywords.

If the compression keyword is not specified, a red, green, and blue byte in that order is expected for each pixel of the image.

If compression is QEncoded, each red, green, and blue byte intensity value is encoded using the Q-coder compression algorithm. Use the packets keyword to specify the total number of Q-encoded packets that comprise the image. Refer to "Sofware implementations of the Q-Coder", by Mitchell, J. L. and Pennebaker, W.B. (IBM Journal Res. Development, Volume 32, Number 6, November 1988, pages 753 - 774) for implementation specific details.

If compression is RunlengthEncoded, each red, green, and blue byte intensity value is followed by a count byte. This value specifies the number of horizonally contiguous pixels in the image of that color. The count (0-255) is one less than the actual number of contiguous pixels; thus a single packet can represent from 1 up to 256 identical pixels. The total number of pixels specified by the individual count bytes must add up to the number of pixel columns times the number of pixel rows as specified by the columns and rows keywords. Use packets to specify the total number of runlength-encoded packets that comprise the image.

Use the PseudoClass class to store pseudo-color images. PseudoClass requires that the image colormap and pseudo-color pixels immediately follow the keyword text. The colormap is stored as contiguous red, green, and blue intensity values. The number of intensity values expected is determined by the colors keyword. Note, an image colormap is restricted to at most 65535 entries. The binary pseudo-color image is stored as indexes into the colormap. If the colormap size exceeds 256 entries, then each colormap index is two bytes each with the most-significant-byte first. The total number of pixels expected is equal to the number of pixel columns times the number of pixel rows as specified by the columns and rows keywords.

If the compression keyword is not specified, a colormap index is expected for each pixel of the image.

If compression is QEncoded, each colormap index is encoded using the Q-coder compression algorithm. Use the packets keyword to specify the total number of Q-encoded packets comprise the image. Refer to "Sofware implementations of the Q-Coder", by Mitchell, J. L. and Pennebaker, W.B. (IBM Journal Res. Development, Volume 32, Number 6, November 1988, pages 753 - 774) for implementation specific details.

If compression is RunlengthEncoded, each colormap index is followed by a count byte. This value specifies the number of horizonally contiguous pixels in the image of that color. The count (0-255) is one less than the actual number of contiguous pixels; thus a single packet can represent from 1 up to 256 identical pixels. The total number of pixels specified by the individual count bytes must add up to the number of pixels expected in the image as specified by the columns and rows keywords. Use packets to specify the total number of runlength-encoded packets that comprise the image.




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